
Carnivals of Fun For Personal Finance Posts

This week a there have been some great personal finance carnivals out there. I encourage you all to stop by and take a look at all the great posts. I guarantee you'll have hours of enjoyable reading and find some new favorite posts. Teaspoon Finance is proud to have a post participating in the following Carnivals. The Teaspoon Finance post participating this week at these carnivals was: Do You Have an Emergency Fund? - If Cash is King, Then Don't Neglect His Good Looking Brother, the Prince of Credit!

Carnival of Personal Finance
This weeks Carnival of Personal Finance #114 is hosted at The Simple Dollar. Trent at The Simple Dollar spent a ton of time reviewing the 60+ posts submitted and choosing his editors choice posts. I confess that I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, yet. I plan to by this weekend. I did go through and read all the titles that caught my eye and from those, read many many of the posts. From those, I found 2 that are my favorites from the Carnival of Personal Finance #114:

  • 110 Personal Finance Calculators (@ millionaire mommy next door)
    Now this was an amazing piece of effort by the millionaire mommy to put together this amazing resource list of calculators. I plan to have fun browsing these calcs over the coming weeks and I'm sure they're going to give me lots of wonderful ideas :- ). I'm sure you'll find at least one, if not several here that are of immediate interest!
  • How To Know Instantly You’re Being Conned (@ dough roller)
    I've been watching Mind Control with Derren Brown on the SciFi Channel recently and that dude can have your mind reeling! So, previously to that show, I figured, 'Hey, I probably can't be conned. I'm a very logical street wise Joe'. But, after this show, geeze, there's just may be a whole new level of con men out there. I enjoyed dough roller's post and it has some great advice on thinking about those 'too good to be true situations'. Definitely check this out. If you don't think you can be conned, go check out an episode of Mind Control on SciFi channel and you'll be back at dough roller's site double checking ;-)!

Wow, that was a lot of reading! I couldn't read all 60+ articles, but definitely viewed all post titles and read through each post that caught my eye. I encourage you to stop by the carnival site and read through and find some new favorite posts of your own.

I'll be following up with additional Carnivals that Teaspoon Finance was a part of with my post: Do You Have an Emergency Fund? - If Cash is King, Then Don't Neglect His Good Looking Brother, the Prince of Credit!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention of my article.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for highlighting my list of calculators! Yes, it took me many long hours to put it together, but I think it's a helpful resource and I had fun trying them, too.