
Carnivals of Fun For Personal Finance Posts #3

This week a there have been some great personal finance carnivals out there.  I encourage you all to stop by and take a look at all the great posts.  I guarantee you'll have hours of enjoyable reading and find some new favorite posts.  Teaspoon Finance is proud to have a post participating in the following Carnivals.  The Teaspoon Finance post participating this week at these carnivals was: Do You Have an Emergency Fund? - If Cash is King, Then Don't Neglect His Good Looking Brother, the Prince of Credit!

Carnival of Personal Finance
This weeks Carnival of Personal Finance #114 is hosted at The Simple Dollar.  Trent at The Simple Dollar spent a ton of time reviewing the 60+ posts submitted and choosing his editors choice posts.  I confess that I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, yet.  I plan to by this weekend.  I did go through and read all the titles that caught my eye and from those, read many many of the posts.  From those, I found 2 that are my favorites from the Carnival of Personal Finance #114. I covered these in: Carnivals of Fun For Personal Finance Posts.

101st Carnival of Debt Reduction
This weeks 101st Carnival of Debt Reduction is hosted at I've Paid For This Twice Already...  Paidtwice reviewed 25 posts submitted and I'm very excited that Paidtwice picked Teaspoon Finance's post as their favorite!  I've reviewed all of the posts at Paidtwice and I'm sure you're going to find some great info and new insights into personal finance in one or more of the 25 posts.  You can find more about my favorites at: Carnivals of Fun For Personal Finance Posts #2

Festival of Frugality
This weeks 88th Festival of Frugality - About Me Edition is hosted at The Happy Rock.  The Happy Rock reviewed 35 posts submitted and you can visit to find all of them.  I was happy to have my post in their carnival.  I read through all the posts and here are my favorites from the Festival of Frugality:

  • Why We Shouldn’t Be Careless With Automatic Bill Pay and Why The Pentagon Should Really Use FedEx For Shipping by MoneyNing
    I liked this post, because it served as a reminder of one of those pesky things that I keep on my mental to do list, but never really get to regularly enough!  Stop by and check this one out.  Make sure you're not making someone rich, by being too trusting and lazy.
  • eight ideas for saving money on books by plonkee money
    Another great post to save some money on something that 'really' adds up, books!  Like plonkee, I find myself reading the covers and a couple of pages, and then grab this book and that book.  Then when I get home with them, I'm not always satisfied.  This is a great reminder for me to take a little more time browsing at the bookstore (they really encourage it with all the comfy couches and chairs).  Also, get my library card going again.  I haven't visited my library in the last 3 years, that's not good.
  • Baby Steps to Wealth: My $2 a Day Challenge by Frugal Duchess
    I always love reading about how folks incorporate baby step approach to all areas of self improvement.  This is another great example.

OK, I think I'm sticking to 1 carnival a week from now on.  This is a lot of reading, I'm enjoying it.  I just need some recovery time to process all these great ideas that I have rolling around in my head after the reading fest.  I encourage you to stop by the carnival sites and read through and find some new favorite posts of your own.

I think that's it for this week :- ), otherwise ... I'll be following up with any additional Carnivals that Teaspoon Finance was a part of with my post: Do You Have an Emergency Fund? - If Cash is King, Then Don't Neglect His Good Looking Brother, the Prince of Credit!

Update (Listing of additional carnivals):
The following additional carnivals had the following post from Teaspoon Finance participating: Do You Have an Emergency Fund? - If Cash is King, Then Don't Neglect His Good Looking Brother, the Prince of Credit!

Carnival of Debt Management #21
This weeks Carnival of Debt Management #21 is hosted at Debt Consolidation Lowdown.  They had 31 posts in the carnival.  I encourage you to stop by and find your favorites!

Carnival of Financial Planning
This weeks Carnival of Financial Planning is hosted at The Skilled Investor.  They had over 45 posts in the carnival.  I encourage you to stop by and find your favorites!

1 comment:

Frugal Duchess said...

I appreciate the mention! Take care,
Frugal Duchess